Editor-in-Chief |
K. W. Thilini Chethana, PhD 📧 |
Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Managing Editor |
R. Khamngoen, ENG 📧 |
Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Senior Associate Editors |
J.D. Bhat, Professor 📧 |
Gou University, India |
Asexual fungi |
K.D. Hyde, Professor 📧 |
Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Marine fungi, general mycology |
S.S.N. Maharachchikumbura, PhD 📧 |
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China |
Sordariomycetes, Pestalotioid fungi |
E.H.C. McKenzie, PhD 📧 |
Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research, New Zealand |
General mycology |
K.R. Sridhar, Professor |
Mangalore University, India |
Freshwater fungi |
Associate Editors |
C. Bӓssler, PhD 📧 |
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany |
Mycology, Climatology |
L. Beenken, PhD 📧 |
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Switzerland |
Basidiomycota, Erysiphales |
R.F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Professor |
Instituto de Investigaciones. de Sanidad Vegetal, Cuba |
Asexual fungi |
A. Daranagama, Professor 📧 |
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka |
Xylariaceae |
M.L. Duong, PhD |
Hanoi University of Education, Vietnam |
Biotechnology |
M. Ghobad-nejhad, PhD 📧 |
Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Iran |
Polypores |
T. Gibertoni, PhD |
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil |
Polypores |
S. Hongsanan, PhD |
Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
Evolution and Phylogeny |
T. Hosoya, PhD |
National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan |
Discomycetes |
S.C. Karunarathna, PhD |
Qujing Normal University, China |
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Basidiomycetes |
R. Kodseub, PhD |
Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Thailand |
Biotechnology |
H.G. Moreno, Professor |
University Alcalá de Henares, Spain |
Basidiomycetes |
R. Phookamsak, PhD |
Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
Phylogeny |
P.-H. Wang, Professor |
Tunghai University, Taiwan |
Forest Ecology |
I. Promputtha, PhD |
Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
Endophytes |
A.I. Romero, PhD 📧 |
CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Ascomycota |
I.C. Senanayake, PhD |
Zhongkai Universityof Agriculture and Engineering, China |
Ascomycota |
B.D. Shenoy, PhD 📧 |
CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography Regional Centre, India |
Marine fungi |
R. Shivas, PhD 📧 |
University of Southern Queensland, Australia |
Taxonomy of plant pathogens |
J.E. Taylor, PhD |
Edinburgh Botanical gardens, UK |
Endophytes and invasive species |
M.V. Tejesvi, PhD 📧 |
University of Oulu, Finland |
Endophytes and drug discovery |
C.M. Tsui, PhD |
University of British Columbia, Canada |
Forest Pathology |
D.N. Wanasinghe, PhD 📧 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Ascomycete |
B. Wang, PhD |
Iowa State University, USA |
Molecular biology techniques, plant and insect fungi genetics |
R.L. Zhao, PhD 📧 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Basidiomycetes |
S. Sarwar, PhD 📧 |
Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan |
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Basidiomycetes and their ectomycorrhizal association |
Recent Papers
Volume 7 - 2024 issue 2
10. New species and new records of plant pathogenic fungi from northern Thailand
Armand et al. (2024)
9. Plant growth-promoting and protective potential of root fungal endophytes associated with a pioneer grass, Saccharum spontaneum L., from a lahar-affected area
Cruz EM, dela Cruz TEE (2024)
8. Optimization of Culture Conditions and Forced Wood Decay Assessment of Wood-rotting Mushrooms of Central Luzon, Philippines
Advincula et al. (2024)
7. The genera Micarea and Brianaria in the Magadan Region (Far East of Russia)
Konoreva et al. (2024)
6. Fungal endophytes associated with actinorhizal plant species, Elaeagnus latifolia (Elaeagnaceae) and evaluating their antagonistic potential against grey blight disease in tea [causal agent: Pestalotiopsis theae] in North-East India
Handique et al. (2024)
5. Spatial analysis vis a vis local perception of anthropogenic pressures on natural habitats of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Wari–Maro Forest Reserve in Benin
Teteli SC et al. (2024)
4. Biology, diversity, detection and management of Plasmopara viticola causing downy mildew of grapevine (Vitis spp.)
Rhouma et al. (2024)
3. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, the causal agent of vascular wilt disease of tomatoes: From its taxonomy to disease management
Rhouma A et al. (2024)
"Another Milestone Achievement: "Asian Journal of Mycology" Granted Scopus Inclusion"