Volume 4 - 2021 - Index
1. Unusual thermal resistance of spores of mesophilic fungi
Rajamani T, Govinda Rajulu MB, Murali TS, Suryanarayanan TS
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 1–9
2. A dynamic online documentation of Italian ascomycetes with hosts and substrates: www.italianmicrofungi.org
Wijesinghe SN, Camporesi E, Wanasinghe DN, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Senanayake IC, Phookamsak R, Hongsanan S, Tibpromma S, Thambugala KM, Luangharn T, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 10-18
3. First collection of the asexual state of Trichaleurina javanica from nature and the placement of Kumanasamuha
Iturriaga T, Raudabaugh DB, Karakehian JM, Miller AN, Hodge KT, Pfister DH
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 19-28
4. Ganoderma research activities and development in Namibia: A review
Ueitele ISE, Horn LN, Kadhila NP
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 29-39
5. Current status of research on Rust fungi (Pucciniales) in India
Gautam AK, Avasthi S, Verma RK, Devadatha B, Sushma, Ranadive KR, Bhadauria R, Prasher IB, Kashyap PL
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 40-80
6. New host record of Heterosphaeria linariae (Heterosphaeriaceae, Helotiales) from Peucedanum cervaria in Italy
Phutthacharoen K, Chethana KWT, McKenzie EHC, Hyde KD
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 81-88
7. A review on pigment producing soil fungi and its applications
Anugraha AC & Thomas T
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 89-112
8. AJOM new records and collections of fungi: 101-150
Chethana KWT, Niranjan M, Dong W, Samarakoon MC, Bao DF, Calabon MS, Chaiwan N, Chuankid B, Dayarathne MC, de Silva NI, Devadatha B, Dissanayake AJ, Goonasekara ID, Huanraluek N, Jayawardena RS, Karunarathna A, Luo ZL, Marasinghe DS, Ma XY, Norphanphoun C, Pem D, Perera RH, Rathnayaka AR, Raspé O, Samarakoon BC, Senwanna C, Sun YR, Tang X, Thiyagaraja V, Tennakoon DS, Zeng M, Zeng XY, Zhang JY, Zhang SN, Bulgakov TS, Camporesi E, Sarma VV, Wang Y, Bhat D, Hyde KD
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 113-260
9. Effect of Mycorrhiza on the Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) I.C Nielson under Hg-contamination
Latifah I, Idris, Napitupulu TP, Ramadhani I, Ikhwani AZN, Kanti A, Sudiana IM, Prasetya B
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 261-237
10. Low temperature induces Polyporus umbellatus sclerotia formation on nutrient media
Pasailiuk MV
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(1), 274-278
11. Methods for observing, culturing, and studying living ascospores
Karakehian JM, Quijada L, Pfister DH, Tocci G, Miller AN
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 1-18
12. Larger basidiomycetes growing on poroid lignicolous fungi show rot type-related colonization patterns
Halbwachs H, Ryvarden L, Bässler C
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 19-28
13. Endophytic association between Alternaria oxytropis and Oxytropis kansuensis affected by nutritional conditions and temperature
Xie Y, Li Y-L, Kakishima M
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 29-34
14. Marthomamyces gen. nov. (Asterinales, Lembosiaceae) from Southern Western Ghats, India
Lini K M, Jacob T, Neeta N N
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 35-41
15. Antibacterial profiling of endophytic fungi sourced from Justicia betonica, a medicinal plant from the secluded Western Ghats region
Parashiva J, Nuthan BR, Rakshith D, Satish S
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 42-55
16. State of knowledge on the diversity, phylogeny and distribution of Inocybaceae in Africa
Aïgnon HL, Acar İ, Naseer A, Yorou SN
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 56-66
17. Checklist of fungi and fungi-like organisms on the common reed Phragmites australis
Voronin LV, Kopytina NI, Bocharova EA
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 67-113
18. https://www.coelomycetes.org: Databank that contributes for the classification, identification and nomenclature of Coelomycetes
Huanraluek N, Padaruth OD, Jayawardena RS, Li WJ, Hongsanan S, Jeewon R, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Senanayake IC, Phukhamsakda C, Wijayawardene NN, Shivas RG, Goonasekara ID, Norphanphoun C, Pem D, Calabon MS, Bhunjun CS, Hyde KD
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 114-122
19. Rhizospheric Soil Microfungal Diversity under Hippophae salicifolia D.Don ecosystems of Garhwal Himalayas
Guleri S, Saklani K, Singh M, Kumar A, Singh K, Tyagi M, Jabi S, Sahni S, Bajpai AB, Rayal R
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 123-143
20. Endophytic fungal diversity associated with roots of Angelica glauca: An endangered medicinal plant of Northwest Himalaya
Gaur A, Parash V, Kumar V, Thakur A
Asian Journal of Mycology 4(2), 144-158
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8. Optimization of Culture Conditions and Forced Wood Decay Assessment of Wood-rotting Mushrooms of Central Luzon, Philippines
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6. Fungal endophytes associated with actinorhizal plant species, Elaeagnus latifolia (Elaeagnaceae) and evaluating their antagonistic potential against grey blight disease in tea [causal agent: Pestalotiopsis theae] in North-East India
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5. Spatial analysis vis a vis local perception of anthropogenic pressures on natural habitats of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Wari–Maro Forest Reserve in Benin
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4. Biology, diversity, detection and management of Plasmopara viticola causing downy mildew of grapevine (Vitis spp.)
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3. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, the causal agent of vascular wilt disease of tomatoes: From its taxonomy to disease management
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